
Clothes and mattresses


The acceptance of small apartments has always been a pr […]

The acceptance of small apartments has always been a problem. There are no cabinets in the house, and then there are many clothes and quilts. What down quilts, wool quilts, silk quilts, summer cool quilts, think big, just in time for the season to change. So they began to cultivate, change the used quilts and prepare to put them away, just like their elders. But the space is limited, how neat, so you can only think of your own way. Everyone knows that a quilt, no matter how folded you are, takes up a large volume. In our e-commerce terminology, that is to remember and throw. Our line is more exposed to air-compressed bags, because products such as down jackets, which are too large, tend to choose compressed packaging! As for IKEA mattresses, which are common in our life, they are all for you to compress and roll up and send to your home. Because this is convenient and space-free, you can put a lot more things in the same place! This purchase is the compression bag recommended by aunt!

To be honest, it's a little hard to imagine that the quilt is so thin!This time it can be easily stuffed under the bed! So much stuff in my wardrobe!

Cleaning up the house is a big project for every woman, especially after having a baby, it's more difficult for me to be a mother! In retrospect, when I was a child, my mother was always busy. She washed, cooked and cleaned the house. Her mother was omnipotent. Everything seemed to be natural. Now that she was a mother herself, she could realize her hard work.
I saw this compression shrinkage bag in Xiao Hong Shu. This compression shrinkage bag is not as complicated as the traditional compression shrinkage bag. Traditional pressure shrinkage bags need a vacuum cleaner or a suction pump to intervene in order to suck the air inside. This pressure shrinkage bag does not need to use a vacuum cleaner or a suction pump, sitting on the top of the exhaust air, can complete the pressure shrinkage!
First, we fold the clothes and put them in the shrinkage bag smoothly. Secondly, we seal the sealing strip with a sealer. Then we manually discharge the air. A perfect reception is over, and the price is substantial and affordable. It's simple and fast, and it won't leak. Oh, it can be reused.